Crewel  - Gennifer Albin This book screamed, to me, one thing: Pun Fest.

The way Adelice's society is run is crewel.
It's crewel that her parents make her hide her ability but they do it to keep her safe.
Unfortunately their crewel-ty doesn't pay off and she gets taken anyway.
Adelice meets the crewel 'head lady' of the Spinsters.
Adelice doesn't like being treated in a crewel manner and is stubborn (basically holding up a sign that says "Oh, please kill me, I'm the one most likely to rebel!!").

This may sound crewel but Adelice would have a better chance of surviving her crewel new world, if she just shut up every now and then and listened to the people in charge and played dumb. But no. She wants to speak out against the unfair and crewel ways of the Spinsters and those in charge. And if there is one thing to learn from all of this it is: don't be crewel (jokes). What you actually learn is that if you put women in charge, crewel-ty = bitchiness and if the men are in charge, crewel-ty = violence and threats.

You get both crewel options in Crewel.

And I'm sorry for being so crewel and giving away so many spoilers - plus the never-ending puns - but it would be crewel not to appreciate how much fun is to be had with a book title like this one. :D